Monday, November 9, 2009

Sarah's Pie Crust

Trans-fat free! 

2 1/4 cups flour 
1 tsp salt 
2/3 cup vegetable oil 
1/3 cold milk 

Mix flour and salt.  
Measure oil and milk together -- do not stir (I don't know why, but it seems to matter). 
Add to flour. 

Use exact measurements and do not add flour to roll out dough. Roll out crust between sheets of wax paper. 

Shauna edit: For oil, I used coconut oil (solid at room temperature) for pumpkin pie. OMG so tasty.


  1. Now that I have PIE PANS (!!!) I must try this!

  2. Me too! Can't wait to try this, I think I'll make a quiche (pronounced, "qui-chee").

  3. You guys are so funny!
    Oh, and don't give me credit for the recipe..... got it from Oprah one day, who gave credit to some healthy supermodel.....
    Well! Would you believe, just the other day I opened up my very old, trusty Betty Crocker.... and there it was! No fanfare, no trans-fat-free claims. Just sitting there quietly under my nose all this time.
    Happy Baking!!
