Monday, November 9, 2009

Nik's Salsa (and Guac)

  • 1 small-ish onion to every 5 tomatoes 
  • 1 fat (or two small) cloves of garlic 
  • A chili pepper 
  • Juice from 1 lime 
  • Fresh cilantro 
  • Salt & pepper to taste -- don't oversalt of course, but you might need more than you think! 
Cube up the onions & maters. Tinily chop the garlic & chili pepper. Loosely hack at the cilantro (it looks pretty when some of the leaves are still fanning out in there). Mix it all in a bowl and add lime juice, salt, & little bit o' pepper. A little liquid floating around is okay, because you want to let it sit a few hours -- or overnight in the fridge -- so that the acid from the tomatoes and lime juice can sort of soften the onions and melt the flavors together (otherwise you just get tomato-onion salad). 

For the guac: scoop out and mash up at least 3 avos (otherwise you WILL run out, because we always do!) and mix in some salt. Add a heaping spoonful of pico and mix a bit more. Taste; add more pico if needed. 

If served with fajitas: don't forget to dribble some leftover lime juice in the sour cream.


  1. Oh yes! And don't forget a chile or two, depending on how spicy you want it. :)

  2. I was gonna ask about the chiles! :) I thought maybe you left them out for ze Germans.. hihi.

  3. Haha! I just went back and edited the post for chilean goodness. Scarfscarf!

  4. (Although, yes: if you are cooking for Germans, go easy on the hot stuff. Cute little central-European tastebuds are tender!)
