1 part nut butter (e.g., peanutbutter, almondbutter, or some mix)
1 part brown rice (or barley malt) syrup
1 part buckwheat flour
1 part oats
1/2 part ground flaxseed
1/2 part coconut (or 1 part? hmm)
optional: few tsp of coffee grounds
1 part chocolate chips
crushed walnuts
Melt together the nut butter, syrup, and vanilla on low heat on the stove. Stir it into the mixed dry ingredients.
If it's too dry, make and add more wet ingredients as needed. It should be a squishy dough; never liquid, just no dry parts.
Butter and flour a pan (do this! verrrry sticky otherwise). Bake at 300F for 30 mins, or until not squooshing in the center. If it *is* still squooshy, consider baking a little longer on a lower heat (say, 250F). They'll harden up a little after cooling, too, but not much. You do want them chewy, though, and not dry or crunchy. :)
Suggestion: after cutting bars, wrap individually in foil or plastic wrap.
You posted the recipe for incredibars! These were *everyone's* favorite snack on the trail. It's a good thing we had the excuse of walking a quintillion miles per day so that we justify our high rate of consumption. "Oh, I know we just had breakfast, but for SOME REASON I'm STILL HUNGRY... how many bars do you have in your pack??"